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Group Discussion and Brainstorm Session

Choosing “One Word”

The Mission Project Problem Solvers Club recently hosted a dynamic and inspiring event, led by our own Michelle Niedens. Michelle shared a story of someone who was characterized the word “kindness” and the impact that this person had, even unknowingly on their community. Then she guided participants through a series of thought-provoking questions designed to spark meaningful conversations and reflections about what “one word” each person wanted to focus on for the year. Each table engaged in lively discussions, with participants sharing personal goals and challenges. A sheet of words was provided and each exercise helped participants narrow down their own “words.”

Choosing a One Word Mantra

By the end of the session, each participant was asked to choose a single word that resonated with them deeply—whether it was a source of inspiration, a personal goal, or a key trait that defines their identity. This word would serve as their focal point for the year ahead, guiding their actions and decisions. Words like “confidence,” “health,” “balance,” and “courage” were shared, each reflecting the individual’s aspirations and the personal journey they envisioned. The exercise not only fostered introspection but also created a sense of shared purpose among the group.


Bracelets Tying it all Together

Sharing the Personal Meaning of the One Word Bracelet

At the next Problem Solvers meeting, participants received a bracelet engraved with their chosen word. This special moment allowed everyone to present their word to the group, explain why they chose it, and brainstorm ways the group could support each other in achieving their goals. Ideas ranged from regular check-ins and accountability partners to sharing resources and celebrating milestones together. The session concluded with a renewed sense of camaraderie and determination.  Everyone left with a clear vision of their personal objectives and the collective strength to achieve them. This event not only highlighted the power of community but also demonstrated how focused, supportive interactions can lead to personal growth and success.

So, next time you see one of The Mission Project Participants, make sure to ask them about their bracelets – why that word is meaningful to them and how you can help support them in their persuit of that one word!

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